The first key is to convey to someone, "Yes, I can actually talk to this person!" and one of the best ways to do that is with a genuine smile. It is a winner because it is the easiest and most popular way of creating an emotional trigger with the person looking at it. Start your online dating pics off with a genuine smile.
The second key is to be smiling somewhere that matters. You need to convey this message: "I am fun to be around!! "What do you do for fun? Where do you love to go? Answer those and go show it! Go to your favorite places and take some shots of you enjoying it with a genuine smile. Women love looking at pics and are drawn to people that can be real and they can connect with.
A pic of a dynamic person doing something they love while smiling gets far more hits than any other photo online! The pic should show you have your own unique value and that you can add social value to the people responding to your profile & posts.
It's also cool if other people are in the photo with you.
You should be out enjoying all this with the people you enjoy doing it with. You might have some of these pics already. They get huge hits. Have a couple of solo shots and have some pics of you with friends of all genders. One thing's for sure; if you convey the right message you'll get more responses!If you have a one-on-one pic with you and a female give a caption to who she is. Some women naturally assume you're a "player" if you have a lot of girls in your pics.
Lastly, there is a great FREE tool I use and so can you, to make sure that you are on the right track. It's
It allows other people to rate your pic on a sliding scale. It is a FREE valuable service and is probably the best way of selecting pics to post on your online dating sites. You can try putting in some old pics in with the new ones and see which ones get better results. This is a really valuable tool to have when choosing your online pics.I don't necessarily recommend signing up to chat with women on that site unless you have picked up a copy of "The Recipe: Everything You Need to Know to Get Women Online" and have gone through the book thoroughly and learned the secrets to become a successful online dater. It is a necessary resource for any man in the online dating world. If you don't have a copy I highly recommend getting one.
So, go throw on your best look, put on a big smile and go do something fun that you love to do! Snap off a few pics, pick out a few and go post them on While you're waiting for the results to come in, go pick up a copy of "The Recipe". When the results are in, you can use the best pics and then use the systems you learn in the book to get a ton of responses and you'll be attracting more quality women online guaranteed!